Team Distributes Essential Supplies to 1,000 Flood-Affected Families in Feni, Bangladesh


28th August 2024

In response to the devastating floods in Feni, Bangladesh, the team successfully distributed essential supplies to 1,000 flood-affected families. Despite the overwhelming challenges posed by the natural disaster, team, funded and managed the entire relief operation without collecting donations from any third parties.

What We Distributed

Each family received a package of essential items to address their immediate needs, including food, medical supplies, and hygiene products. The following items were included per family:

  1. Oral Rehydration Solution – 2 packets
  2. Metronidazole – 5 tablets
  3. Antihistamine – 2 tablets
  4. Spicy Mix – 1 packet
  5. Puffed Rice – 1/2 kg
  6. Energy Biscuit – 1 packet
  7. Powdered Milk – 20g packet
  8. Gaslighter – 1 piece
  9. Candles – 2 pieces
  10. Sanitary Napkins – 1 packet
  11. Clean Drinking Water – 2 liters

These supplies were carefully selected to meet the immediate nutritional, medical, and hygiene needs of the flood-affected families.

Supporting the Community Through Internal Efforts

This initiative was entirely funded and supported by srihatta and, ensuring that all the resources and logistics were managed efficiently. We are proud to have relied solely on internal support from our team and partners to make this relief effort possible. This allowed us to move quickly and deliver aid where it was needed most.

Continuing Our Commitment

The immediate distribution was just the first step. As floodwaters gradually recede, the team is committed to continuing support for recovery efforts in the region, including future initiatives aimed at rebuilding homes and restoring livelihoods.

We stand united with the people of Feni and will continue to contribute to their recovery and resilience in the months ahead.

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